Elevate your workplace from ☑checking a diversity box to intentionally including and supporting LGBTQIA+ communities.
“I can say with confidence that I left the session as not only a better professional but a more informed ally as well.”
Let’s apply what works to your inclusivity practice.
Greater Understanding
Affirming LGBTQIA+ People
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Questioning, Intersex, Asexual, Aromantic people and more
The Elements of Gender
Gender Pronouns, Gender Identity, Gender Expression, Gender Assignment, and Our Gendered Biology
The Impact of Discrimination
Heterosexism, Cisgenderism, Monosexism, Dyadism
(+ their intersections)
The PRAGmatic Solution
Through interactive trainings and workshops and/or one-one-one and group consulting, we apply the 3-part PRAGmatic Solution which refers to the following and more:
Learn how to apply the Platinum Rule (“treat others how they want to be treated”) to LGBTQIA+ inclusive workplace culture, policy, and practice.
Learn how to hold yourself, co-workers, and managers accountable to the goals set for an LGBTQIA+ inclusive workplace.
Learn how to give yourself and others grace as we struggle through the process of learning and unlearning together.
For Any Industry
Educational Institutions
Government Organizations
Healthcare and Wellness Institutions
Non-Profit Organizations
Restaurant & Hospitality Companies
State/Federal Officials and Departments
Partner with a non-pretentious professional, and gender and sexuality educational leader.
Hi! I’m Dr. Erica J. Friedman. You can use they, she, or he pronouns when referring to me (but more on that later)! I'm an educator and lifelong learner myself. I began my career researching how people and cultures come to understand (and often misunderstand) human gender and sexuality.
After earning my social and personality psychology doctorate studying all things queer and trans, I’ve spent the past 10+ years helping people and policies inside and outside university settings to become intentionally inclusive of LGBTQIA+ people and communities. For more on my experience, you can download my CV/Resume here.
Along the way, I’ve learned that the best practices don’t require you to overwhelm yourself with everything there is to know about LGBTQIA+ people. Rather, transforming your workplace requires your willingness to grow (to deviate) and to engage in a simple, “PRAGmatic” approach: Apply the Platinum Rule. Hold yourself Accountable. Give yourself Grace.
So, how can I help you elevate?
My Approach
I draw inspiration from the Frank Zappa quote:
"Without deviation from the norm, progress is not possible”.
I believe improving workplace culture to be more inclusive (i.e., progress) requires decisive change (i.e., deviation) from current approaches and practices (i.e., norms). This often occurs best from the top on down, but it can start with anyone at any level of any industry.
Elevating your workplace’s LGBTQIA+ inclusivity doesn’t involve ticking a diversity box—e.g., ”Hey, cool, we have a transgender employee now! We’re so inclusive!” or “That 1-hour training about LGBTQ+ human rights makes us all ‘competent’ now, right?” Nope!
Are you ready to make your workplace truly inclusive but just don’t know how?
I offer ways to help you improve recruitment, retention, and job satisfaction among LGBTQIA+ employees and/or build trusting and loyal customers who know you get who they are and what they need.
Have you ever:
Felt overwhelmed with lack of knowledge and best practices on how to be more inclusive?
Feared messing up, making big, public mistakes, or getting cancelled?
Wanted to learn, grow, and make effective and sustainable changes?
I will help you and/or your affiliated company, organization, or institution develop a practice of mindful and actionable inclusivity that proactively increases customer, client, patient, student, and/or employee sense of belonging, well-being, and safety.
My approach allows forgiveness for making past mistakes and new mistakes as we unlearn old ways and learn new ways to truly see and center other’s humanity in our workplaces. Using evidence-based, highly engaging, collaborative methods, I work with you to create brave spaces and unpack long-held belief systems to build inclusivity into a normalized practice with achievable guidelines and recommendations.
“Dr. Erica’s approach is open and welcoming to all levels of understanding.”
The Flying Gender Unicorn
Dr. Friedman is the creator of the Flying Gender Unicorn (FGU)—a colorful tool that is a graduated, evidence-backed evolution on TSER’s original Gender Unicorn.
Like the FGU, Dr. Friedman offers activities, guides, and easy-to-use tools for increasing understanding, reconsidering the assumptions we make about others, and applying these lessons to our workplace policies and practices.
Get the FGU graphic and facilitation guide here.
Pricing varies based on the service requested, the outcome desired, and individual and institutional circumstances. We consider the circumstances to offer a sliding scale on a case by case basis especially to low-income folks, small non-profits, students, and others in need.
For specific pricing, let’s discuss!
Let’s deviate to elevate together.
Select the button below to connect with me.
I will reach out to you for a free, first-time exploratory meeting together.